We take pride in our well-educated staff and modern approach to veterinary medicine. Staff are given ample opportunity to better their skills and knowledge through continuing education and mentoring opportunities. We believe in achieving treatment success through client education, skilled staff, and a commitment to patient follow-ups.
Efficiency is promoted through fully digital record keeping that is maintained in real time during the exam by our dedicated support staff. This allows veterinarians to focus on practicing medicine and ensures we're home to our family on time. We strive to provide the best possible care for our patients while supporting healthy work/life balance.
We embrace technology to further our care without forgetting that the roots of quality medicine are honesty, dedication, and compassion.
Blue Skies boasts:
Dental radiography
Direct digital radiography
Full in-house laboratory equipment including automated blood counts and chemistries, automated and manual urinalysis, digital microscopy, aspirates, cytologies, and basic cultures
Fear-Free restraint methods
Card readers in ALL exam rooms to facilitate flow and prevent patient stress
Long-term pain management options
Exceptional care is further enhanced through a network of visiting specialists and referral hospitals.